CEDARBURG — Wayne’s Drive In held their first annual Burgers, Beats and Brews Bash for Mel’s Charities last Sunday. The event provided a much needed fundraising activity for the charity as numerous fall events hosted by Mel’s Charities (including BC’s 8 pin, Melapalooza, a golf outing, a run/walk and the signature Mel’s Pig Roast) have been cancelled due to the pandemic. With the cancellation of so many events, the charity has gone online at melscharities.org to ask for those who ever attended one of the Great Times for Great Causes events to donate before Sept. 26, which would have been the date of the annual Mel’s Pig Roast. The four-hour event netted over $9,500 for the charity.
Photos by Mark Justesen, News Graphic Staff
Steve Michalica, general manager at Wayne’s Drive In, presents Aaron Gresch and Mel’s Charities board members a check for $10,500 from Wayne’s Drive In’s recent 2020 round up campaign.
With family tables set 6 feet apart, event participants listened to the band Tangle Lines during the bash.
In addition to burgers and brews, ice cream was also available as sampled by youngsters Owen and Evelyn Davies while they listened to their dad James, lead singer of the band Tangle Lines.
Mel’s Charities volunteers (from left) Bonnie Probelski, Joy Friede, Billy Lomis and Susie Hoppe man the beer-soda and Mel’s swag tent.