Who We Help

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List of Grant Recipients (2023)

Individuals with Disabilities

10 Lords A Leaping
All-Star Health Center
Balance, Inc.
Best Buddies at Concordia University
Blossom, IDD
Blue Lotus Farm & Retreat Center
JCC Rainbow Day Camp
Kennedy School playground project
Mel’s Day at Concordia University
Mel’s Magic Moments Dinner Dance
Noah’s Place
Ozaukee County Special Olympics
Partners with Paws
Portal, Inc
R.J. Groth Endowment at Concordia University
River Edge Nature Center
United Training Foundation

Community Impact

Danny Fullington Foundation
Every American Legion post in Ozaukee County
Grafton/Cedarburg Rotary Club
Grafton Little League- Matt Malkowski Field of Dreams
Grafton High School Mental Health Awareness Week- in memory of Timmy Schuster
Herren Talks
Kevin Winter “Golden Voice” award
Midwest BBQ Outreach
Student Art Matters at Cedarburg Art Museum
Zora’s Fund

Mel’s Village

Memorials to honor:

Tim Nenning
Stephen Purpora
Jan Schanen
Chad Viesselmann


Non-Profit Organizations

ALS of Wisconsin- Mike Boesch and Debbie Garrity
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ozaukee
Family Sharing
Interfaith Care Givers of Ozaukee
Lasata Senior Living Center
Mr. Bob’s Under the Bridge
NAMI Ozaukee
Next 18
Oaukee Food Alliance
Ozaukee Family Services
Ozaukee Non-Profit Center
The Food Pantry


Austin Reichers
Brian Rintelman
Chris Kalies
Coach John Chekouras
Craig Carlson
DJ Krumbiegel
Dr. Andy Brooks
Dustin Briede
Grant Schoen
Josh Davis-Joiner
Kate Gruetzmacher
Ken Kuemmerlein
Matt Kobiske
Matt Malkowski
Niki Doedens
Rick King
Ryan Refinski
Stephen Castner
Stuart Mitkey
TJ Beck
Tyler Buczek


Bags of Joy

200+ recipients throughout Ozaukee County