Mel’s Charities awards grants and other gifts to eligible individuals and organizations in line with our mission to impact lives in Ozaukee County.
Grants to organizations: Mel’s Charities offers grants to eligible Non-Profit organizations for existing or new projects or programs. Click HERE for more details and the grant application. Grants range from $500-$20,000.
ARC grants: are designed for an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability requesting assistance for a specific item or service. Click HERE for more details and the ARC grant application. Grants range from $500-$1500.
Bags of Joy: Mel’s Charities purchases gift cards from local businesses and delivers them to individuals who are experiencing tough times. The values range from $250 to $500 per bag. If you know of someone who could use some joy in their life, contact info@melscharities.com to discuss the possible delivery of a Bag of Joy from Mel’s Charities.